
Tips to Avoid Flu – Measures and More

Tips to avoid flu

Tips to Avoid Flu – The flu targets the lungs, nose and throat. Young children, older adults, pregnant women and people with stable disease or weak resistant systems are at high risk. Symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches, cough, congestion, runny nose, headaches and weakness.

Flu is mainly treated with rest and fluid consumption to let the body fight the infection. Paracetamol may aid in curing the symptoms, but NSAIDs must be avoidable. An annual vaccine can benefit stop the flu and limit its difficulties.

The most important way to prevent the risk of seasonal flu and to prevent its serious complication is to get yourselves vaccinated every year. Moreover, follow good habits such as keeping your distance from sick people and covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Frequently washing your hands can benefit you by preventing the spread of germs and respiratory issues such as flu. Using flu antiviral drugs can help treat and prevent the flu.

Tips or Measures to Prevent the Spread of Flu

The activities mentioned below can help you protect yourself and others from the flu and the spread of germs.

Tips to Avoid Flu – 1. Vaccinate Yourself

Vaccinate Yourself

Every year, the flu vaccine decreases the number of flu contaminations and saves lives. Study shows that between 2005 and 2014, the flu vaccine protected over 40,000 lives in the U.S. So vaccinate yourself against the flu to remain safe.

Tips to Avoid Flu – 2. Evade Close Contact

Always avoid close contact with persons who are sick. Also, keep your distance from others when you feel sick to protect them from getting sick.

3. When You Feel Sick, Stay at Home

When you feel sick, stay home, away from your workplace, school and other places. It will help in preventing the spread of illness to others.

4. Cover Your Mouth and Nose

Always cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. It may prevent the possibility of other people around you from getting sick. The flu viruses spread mainly through droplets when people cough, sneeze or talk.

5. Wash Your Hands

Make it a habit of frequently washing hands. Regular washing of your hands can help you protect yourself from the spread of germs. If there is no availability of soap and water, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

IT’S A SNAPTOOLKIT: Handwashing resources from IT’S A SNAP program aim to stop school absenteeism by promoting clean hands. The program’s main aim is to reduce the percentage of absentees in the school by following proper hygiene.

6. Avoid Touching Your Mouth, Eyes or Nose

The germs will spread when a person touches something contaminated and then touches his eyes, nose or mouth. Always try to avoid touching things or surfaces when you are outside. People can spread the flu to others from one day earlier they have signs to 5-7 days after they get sick. It can be lengthier in children and persons who are very ill.

7. Follow Other Good Health Habits

  1. Frequently touched surfaces at home, workplaces or schools should be cleaned and disinfected, particularly when someone is sick.
  2. Besides these measures, have an adequate sleep of eight hours daily. Inadequate sleep has also been related to these (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease) and other health difficulties and is considered an important risk factor.
  3. Always eat a nutritional and balanced diet (A diet that consists of a good number of proteins, vitamins and the other nutrients required for the proper functioning of the body). Eating an appropriate diet of balance ensures the proper working of the body.
  4. Water is essential for the proper functioning of the body. We must drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Water plays numerous significant roles in the body, such as flushing waste from the body, regulating body temperature, and transporting nutrients necessary for digestion.
  5. Manage your stress and be physically active. Do some exercises or some types of yoga to be physically active. You can also do walking, jogging or running.

Tips to Avoid Flu – Conclusion

Tips to Avoid Flu – There is no certain way to avoid the flu, but numerous ways exist to lessen exposure, increase immunity, and decrease the risk of infection. By following the above mentioned measures, you can prevent the spread of germs to a large extent.

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